Shakespeare in As You Like It wrote
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players
Are we mere actors playing our roles
Or merely enacting roles that the world wants us to perform
A perfect son to aging and ailing parents
A brave brother to a timid sister
A trusted husband to a wife
A super father to a child
An ideal worker at office
A friend who can be counted in all seasons
A rightful citizen to the country
In short, you are Ten on Ten
The Perfect Man
But if this man is merely acting
Who is the real man behind the mask
Who is the real you
How do we take off the mask
And discover the real self
Try standing in front of the mirror
Close your eyes and think
You will not have to think hard
And reveal you to yourself
Ask your mother if you are
Truly the Shravankumar who would carry her to heaven
Or you left her to fend for herself
While you ran the rat race.
That is when the mask shall come off.
Ask the loving sister
Where her brave brother was
When she needed her the most
How you found an excuse to be excused
The mask may vanish in no time.
Ask the wife at home
Who sees you day in and out
Is he the man to be trusted
Is he the Mr. Reliable
How loving he truly is
And the truth shall be revealed
The mask will be unmasked in no time.
Ask the daughter where the Papa was
When she had her play at school
Why he missed out on vacations
While he himself was travelling at work
The mask shall be peeled off swoosh.
Ask the office folks why he put self before them
How he moved up the ladder
Yet claiming to be deeply in love with his team
They know what lies behind the mask.
Ask the friend who asked for money
In desperation, in need
And how you missed his call
Did not respond to his many messages
A perfect friend indeed
The mask of friendship will evaporate.
So we all are players and actors
Acting and acting all the way
Fooling others, creating a false image
Yet deep inside lies another person
Not so good, not so perfect
Even the Godman preaching is no different
For he ran away from his worldly duties
Ran away from his family
To speak big, show his holiness
Yet behind the holiness lies hollowness.
Why blame the politician
Who is the biggest actor
Lying, cheating, fooling all
For he is one of us.
The same as you and me.
The only difference is that people see his falsehood
See through his mask
While yours remain intact for most
Creating a world of make believe
A world so made up and of perfection
Fooling and lying quietly
Wonder why do we hide the bad
Why act, for you are no God
We all have our weaknesses and faults
Both the good, bad and the ugly
Are in me and you
And no matter how good you appear to the world
Those near and dear
All know the real you
They separated the wheat from the chaff long ago
Stop acting....Mask off