Standing with one foot on the ground and the other folded to his thigh,
eyes closed, hands tightly clasped on his forehead in perfect obeisance,
wearing a loin cloth just where it matters the most, the devotee keeps on
chanting the Lord’s name for six long days and nights. At last, the Lord of
Lords hears his prayers and decides to pay a visit to his bhakt. He is wearing his tiger skin, has a trishul in hand with a dumru
attached at the top and a snake coiled round his neck, riding a big black beautiful
bull, the Lord is there in person and says…
Bol beta, tujhe kya chahiye.
And the devotee, coming out of a trance, opens his eyes and utters the
first wish that comes to his mind….
Prabhu, bachey huye jivan mein mohe
virus banayyo!
The Lord is stunned. Having been used to giving riches and lives to his
devotees, this indeed is a strange demand. But the Lord has a reputation to
keep. He grants every wish anyone asks of him, after all as the Creator, Preserver
and Destroyer, he can make anything happen.
Why do you ask for such a wish, vatsa?
Now with his feet firmly on the ground and having sipped some divine
drink offered from the kamandulu of
the Heavenly Father, the man starts breathing easy and speaks his heart out.
From the time I was born, it was firstly my parents, then teachers at
school and college and still later my family and bosses at work, all have asked
me to do only good things. Don’t tell lies, don’t steal money, don’t eat
sweets, don’t do this, don’t do that…..everyone has just been ruling me by
telling me what I should not do and how being good will in turn result in good
for me. Now, they find it easier to even quote the scriptures to say, kaam karo par phal ki aasha mat karo…just
keep working without expecting anything in return….how nice to listen to, isn’t
it? I am tired of being the good Batman all my life, now I wish to play the role of the Joker.
Why should you bring such misery to people? The virus can unleash
unstoppable problems to all in the world. The wishes I grant usually make the
devotee happy and in turn he brings happiness to me sitting atop the clouds.
How will granting of this boon be of any good to me?
Hey Ishwar, the world has become far too evil and men are
no longer afraid of anything. They plunder at will, destroy lives and nature
and have turned selfish and away from the right path. When I get unleashed, I
am sure they will start their daily prayers….prayers for safety and survival.
When I am going from place to place, the evil men will stop their nefarious
activities as they will be locked indoors. The same people who now bash up
doctors and nurses at the smallest pretext, will start respecting them. They
will value love and family, they will start becoming believers and start caring
for people and nature. I will cleanse this earth of much evil and put the fear
of death and misery in their hearts for them to start believing in you, my
Lord. So my becoming evil shall bring in a period darkness, and this is when faith shall reignite and the people will change for good.
Mmmm…sounds different and interesting and worth a try. But if given a
second choice, vatsa, what would that
Bhagwaanji, ‘given’ shabd
se yaad aaya….Bachey huey jivan mein mohe
Captain of Ever Given banayyo!
What is that and why would you want to become a captain when I can make
you general or even an emperor? I must say, you have some strange requests,
unheard of before.
O Lord, you have not heard about Ever Given? It is a huge container ship
going from China to the Netherlands. She flies a Panama flag, is owned by a
Japanese company, managed by a Taiwanese company with a huge number of desi Indian crew members and gets stuck
in the sands of the Suez Canal in Egypt. Then there is a Dutch firm of salvors
who try to float it again and an English firm of Average Adjusters. It is
almost like the universe in one place.
Courtesy Internet |
So why would you want to be the captain of an ill-fated ship when you
could have asked me to make you the owner of the most luxurious yacht or
commander of world’s largest aircraft carrier?
Just think of what I can achieve…I will bring the world shipping through
the busiest route carrying 12% of global trade to a grinding halt. Every day it
will cost the world over $9 billion. Logistics and scheduling will go haywire
and trade will initially slow down. My counterparts, sailing on other ships, will
simultaneously block the other navigation channels like the Panama Canal, Bosphoros
Strait, Malacca Straits….trade on the high seas will then get stalled completely.
What good will this do to you?
Hey Devon ke Dev, when trade will stall, the rich and powerful economies of the world will come down on their knees and that is when I shall
strike a deal with them.
And what deal will this be, may I know please?
I will negotiate a deal on insurance and marine Insurance in particular because
that is what I have done in the last thirty three years of my existence.
Mmmm…what is this insurance?
Sirji, Bima….protection against any damage.
I am aware of only Bheema and he was the protector of the Padavas
against any damage by Kauravas. Yeh Bima
kya cheez hai, vatsa?
My Good Lord, I will explain the principles and practice of marine insurance
at another time but for now you must listen to my demand that I shall lay
before the world economies. “Go and
correct the marine premium rates with immediate effect.” You see the rates
currently are so cheap, it is almost free. The marine insurers are a group of
people fighting for their survival but each one of them outdoing the other in
being reckless and wild and then there are these insurance brokers and clients who
make them dance to their tune. This demand, if met, would mean survival of this
small breed of people called Marine Underwriters. But if the demand is not met,
as Captain of Ever Given and my fellow captains across the seas, we will ensure
our ships remain grounded in the sands and do not move an inch. Bada mazza ayega Bhagwaan.Samudra manthan ek
baar phir hoga. If this change does not happen, there will be many more
bloggers like me on the internet with nothing better to do.
The Lord of Lords gets furious and starts his Tandav…the cosmic
dance….first slowly and then goes into a trance. The dumru starts playing to the tune, the trishul starts tapping on the floor in rhythm and the snake starts
moving in a beautiful pose with its head held high and wrapping its slim body
around the Lord. The bull also tries to take a leaf out of the dancing scene
but just can’t keep pace or the poise. After a while the Lord speaks up aloud…
Are you testing me, vatsa? I
am now getting angry at the requests you are making. Is there something normal you
can ask and I can easily give? This is your third and last call. If this, too,
is as weird, then you can stand on one leg for the rest of your life and I
shall not return ever. Confuse kar diya tuney! Dimaag ka dahi ho gaya!!
Sorry Bhagwaan. Let me ask you
one last time and this time I will not disappoint you.
Ok…Bolo beta!
Bachey huey jivan mein mohe corrupted EVM banayyo!
Dear Lord, I want you to help me tamper with all the EVMs in this
country. Just in case you do not know what EVM is, it is the Electronic Voting
Machines that are used to cast votes and elect people to the so called
democratic institutions like Sansad, Vidhaan Sabha and Vidhan Parishads. With
your help, I will make sure in all elections, no matter what button people
press, the end result will be NOTA which would mean that None Of The Above
candidates get the mandate.
This sounds doable but what will it serve.
Prabhu, most of the people in the election fray are
liars, corrupt and work only to fill their own coffers and those of their near
and dear ones. They manipulate the system to rule and serve no one but
themselves. They make people fight one against the other and in the last
seventy five years have done more plunder than the colonists did in the previous
two hundred years. Look at the state we find our country today. No one can feel
proud and happy where we have landed ourselves, thanks to this breed called
Politicians. You may then counter me by asking, who will run the country. To
that I want to state, this country runs on Bhagwaan
bharose even now, it will be no worse. Just repeating what someone called
the Mahatma, whom people of this country have forgotten or subject him to
ridicule, said in 1942 while launching the Quit India Movement…
“Leave India to Gods. If this is too much, then leave her to anarchy.”
Tathastu, vatsa!