(A Morning Rendezvous)
Hello Love
Here I come
again to you
Up in the clouds
before I descend
I start
making plans
Of how I
will spend time with you alone
What more
will I know about you?
Please don’t
be angry for coming after so long
I have a
loving family back home
So can be with
you just for the fleeting time
You know I
love you
So be happy
with the little time I can spare
So Love,
here I come again.
They say you
are old
No longer
the beauty you used to be
So how can I
be in love with you?
To them I
I’m not
getting any younger either
Yes you are
But I love
you for what you are
Where else
will you find a rail car
Built a
hundred years ago by the wayside
You still
retain your old majestic aura O Dear
When I see
your regal shadow shimmering in the waters
Every morning
you come alive in brilliant radiance
Am happy to admire
you from the shadows far away.
They say you
are dirty, filthy and so crowded
But they’ve
not seen the beauty
That lies in
your old shabby lanes
How I wish I
could bring them to the flower market
fragrance shall enamor their nostrils
The colours
will bedazzle their eyes
The simplicity of the experience will calm their minds.
And the
crowds that throng everywhere
It is never
a boring moment here
I am never
alone in your company Dearie.
Your beauty
is timeless and I’m a blind man.
I was not
born here
Have little
of my roots here in your midst
But memories
of you, with you
Are there at
every step
The Bridge
over the flowing river
Used to look
so big when young
Yet when I
walked across the other day
T’was no
more than a few hundred yards
The criss-cross
steel structure tells me
Of a complex
world above
And the
mundane life that goes on unabated below
After years
I again saw the Old Taxi Road
That drove
me beside the Rajdhani platform
Nowhere have
I found such luxury Darling
Little joys,
great memories is what you are to me.
Hold me
tight, don’t let me go.
Wherefore will
you get food so good so cheap
Just ten
bucks for a platter
Of freshly fried
puri and subji
Then try a
pot of mishti doi and a vegetable chop
Fills your
belly, never empties the pockets
For once the
plastic money gets some rest
And I feel
rich and happy when I’m with you Love
The love
gets stronger, the bond thicker.
You make me
forget cholesterol
With you it
is just Hungry kya?
How I wish I
could read and write
The language
of your bards and commoners
Sing your
songs of joy and pathos
maybe will learn it
And love you
even more.
But I can
always be ‘inspired’ when not original
To change a
few words
Of a song
about another love of mine
Small changes
but big difference
To bring out
the character that is You.
And that makes
me madly, badly and blindly in love with you.
dil nahi mushakil jeena yahan
Zara hat ke zara bach ke
Ye hai Kolkata meri jaan
Zara hat ke zara bach ke
Ye hai Kolkata meri jaan
tooti building
Kahin ghissti
huyi traam
Kahin peeli Ambi motor
Kahin peeli Ambi motor
bandh padi hai mill
Milta hai yahan sab kuchh
Aur milata bhi yahan dil
Business ka nahin kahin naam o nishaan
Milta hai yahan sab kuchh
Aur milata bhi yahan dil
Business ka nahin kahin naam o nishaan
Har baat
pe dikhta yahan michheel (procession)
Zara hat ke zara bach ke
Ye hai Kolkata meri jaan
Zara hat ke zara bach ke
Ye hai Kolkata meri jaan
lengcha kahin sandesh
Kahin phuchka kahin shorsheka dish
Kahin metro kahin thela
Kahin football kahin book ka mela
Kahin phuchka kahin shorsheka dish
Kahin metro kahin thela
Kahin football kahin book ka mela
Kahin cricket ka Garden
Kahin football
ka hai Maidan
Kahin Kali kahin Durga
Kahin Kali kahin Durga
Yahan puja
hota hai har din
Kahin chori kahin race
Kahin daaka kahin phaanka
Bekaaro ke hain kai kaam yaha
Zara hat ke zara bach ke
Ye hai Kolkata meri jaan.
Kahin chori kahin race
Kahin daaka kahin phaanka
Bekaaro ke hain kai kaam yaha
Zara hat ke zara bach ke
Ye hai Kolkata meri jaan.
Dear City of
It is so
difficult to say why I love you.
Once your
walls were painted all Red
Now they
have turned them into Blue
Tomorrow someone
may paint you Green
But Dear
Kolkata my love for you is true
And I’ll always be in love with you.