Saturday, 23 January 2021

Char Adhyay


Every Sunday morning I pick up my two cloth bags to go for my weekly shopping close to my house. Round the corner is a temple and outside the temple sits an old man with a few vegetables and, at times, some seasonal fruits. Often the man seems to be asleep in a sitting posture and at other times reading a thick book with his head slightly bent down. One thing that is very discernible about the man’s look is the soft and gentle smile that never seems to fade away. But even more surprising about the man is the number of strays that surround him at all times. They relax on the road when the old man is sitting and, when he gets up to walk, they all follow him quietly. All the dogs also have collars round their necks. 

I have never bought anything from him, don’t ask me why. It is just that I am so used to my regular fruit and vegetable vendors that I just don’t change people for no rhyme or reason. I was fascinated seeing this man during the peak Corona times sitting with no buyers around. I felt that I should do something to help him and offered him some money so that he could buy some food for the dogs whom he seemed to care for so much.

No, I cannot take money for them…he said pointing at the sleeping dogs….I can feed them.

I was taken aback. Why would someone refuse help in such difficult times? Was the man’s love and affection for the lonely and uncared stray animals so deep? What drives him to such devotion? Many  unanswered questions for sure. Nowadays, I just walk past him and both of us just smile at each other.


The habit of reaching office early is something that I imbibed in my first year of employment in trying to please a tough boss whom I wanted to beat to work and impress him with my show of sincerity. It didn’t work much on him but this habit has held me in good stead over the next three decades, so have continued with it ever since. In less than a kilometer from my home is a traffic junction popularly known as Ratna Chowk named after the Udupi restaurant situated there. Early morning the traffic congestion is not much and motorists often break the signal and drive away knowing there is no one to fine them at that hour. The evenings are frightfully crowded and noisy. Usually, I slow down the vehicle when the signal is red, take a quick glace around to see if there is any traffic policeman around. On most days there are none, so I drive away like most other motorists before the light turns green. Even on days when I stop and wait for the right light, the people behind me start honking and the auto rickshaw fellows even shout expletives….C***** hai kya?

It is here at Ratna Chowk that you cannot miss the sight of an old man with beard and a hat, standing at times with a baton and at other times a flash light in his hand. This man is there throughout the day controlling the traffic. He even uses a whistle to make himself heard and is constantly seen moving his hands and head in all directions, catching the attention of the drivers as well as the pedestrians who, too, need to be controlled. I wonder why the old man stands daily on the road in the midst of so much noise and air pollution and tries to manage the most indisciplined crowd of motorists, most of whom want to drive away in the red. Surely, he does not get any remuneration for the work he does. It is doubtful whether the Mumbai Traffic Police even recognizes his immense contribution. Thanks to his efforts, the traffic moves but I wonder how his world moves!


Driving back from office on the crammed Western Express Highway is never a pleasant experience. It is perpetually bumper to bumper traffic, people cutting lanes, vehicles getting stalled and at times pile up happening when suddenly there is an opportunity to drive fast on a flyover. There is not a moment of happiness on the road. Added to it is the radio….you listen to one song and then the radio jockey talks unendingly and the advertisements go on and on….in short you have unlimited options of cribbing.

But during this ride, there is a stretch between the Hub and the Oberoi Malls where you will find some men trying to sell groundnuts wrapped in paper. These men have multiple packets in their hands and, in the slow moving traffic, they are able to sell the stuff to the stranded motorists who get time to choose, buy, pay for it, take the change from the men and then drive away munching. At times, you will find the men running behind the cars just to take the money or return the change. Among the men trying to sell are a few who are walking and running bare foot. When you see  such a sight in the twenty first year of the twenty first century, you press the brake pedals of your car for once……. your Hush Puppies give a screech of sadness.

When we were young, the sight of Imelda Marcos with her infamous collection of shoes was something we felt was so criminal in a country with so much poverty. Today, I am sure there will be innumerable Imeldas in every housing society of this Maximum City and, yet, there is such a stark contrast in what we see and drive away. Can these men not afford a pair of footwear? Selling packets of groundnuts of Rs 10 each would hardly leave the men with anything more than a meal a day. Everyday people in Jaguars and BMWs drive down the road burning the rubber while these young men burn their soles.


There is an NGO near my house which works for the education of street children. Having been associated with the organization for quite some time, some of us old timers met recently. The pandemic had wreaked havoc on the education of the children whose schools are shut for almost a year now. They do not have gadgets to do online classes and neither are the municipal school teachers equipped to teach them.  The NGO used to employ some teachers and along with a volunteer force was able to give the required educational support to the kids that they could not have managed in their homes where parents themselves have little or no educational background of their own. For the last ten months, the NGO is unable to call the students for their daily special classes since social distancing and safety norms have to be maintained. Not just the classes but the kids have also lost out on another thing…one good nutritious meal they would get everyday. This was one major attraction for them to not miss a day’s class. Today, all seems to be lost. The children have not just missed their regular school and extra classes but a huge gap has been created in their education path which will possibly never ever be filled.

While talking to the main organisers, I came to know that some good Samaritans have been donating food packages off and on. The NGO had run out of funds to pay to the teachers and with no classes happening there was no need to keep them on the rolls any longer. The bigger worry is about ten of their meritorious children who had been enrolled into better private schools in an effort to give them quality education. The NGO still has to arrange for the school fees for these children every month and it is quite a sum to be paid. If the payments are not made, the children will be asked to leave the school and may have had to go back to the municipal schools.

At work, whosoever I speak to, has their children studying in Australia, USA or UK and here we have a paradox of a situation where basic education is getting denied to a huge mass of children. Who cares?

Goal Setting

Being the first month of a new year, we generally make resolutions. But I shall not make resolutions to break. I will make what HR in every organization calls Goal Setting…SMART Goals…Goals that at Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. More often than not these goals are made in the corporate circles but appraisals are at the mercy of the Big Bull, not one that runs amok at the Sensex but the one with a small hump. Small because there can only be a handful on the top of the curve and the rest are told why they are not fit for promotions and better incentives. The goals that I want to make are life goals based on these encounters of life. So here are my Goals for 2021:

Vision: To be a Better Me.

Actionable Goals:

a.       Love someone without expecting anything in return just like the old man and his dogs.

b.      Never miss a red light on the road no matter whether the traffic is heavy or not, whether some cop is there to fine or not….be a good law abiding citizen. Respect the man at Ratna Chowk.

c.       Give a pair of slippers or sandals to four people during the year. One per quarter and my Hush Puppies shall surely smile.

d.      Take up the cost of one student for the year. If some of us can do, “each one, teach one,” we will leave behind a better educated generation.

Wish me luck and join me to set some life goals of your own. Together we can surely make a better world.


Sunday, 10 January 2021

The Search


Tired, burnt, broken, drained, fatigued,
Weary, weakened, depleted…
Searching for some rest
From the madness
From the never ending work
From the drudgery of the days, months and years
Yes I am searching for some rest.
Are you too?


With too many things constantly on mind
Feel edgy, anxious, restless,
Unsettled, fidgety, troubled
Searching for some calmness
From all the running
From all the responsibilities
From one fear to another
Yes I am searching for some calmness
Are you too?


Seems the world’s getting so lonely
You often feel alone, lost, confused
Puzzled, hopeless, aimless, detached
Searching for love
Love of friends
Love of family
Love of life
Life of togetherness
Yes I am searching for some love
Are you too?


With so much noise and clamour all around
Racket, uproar, din, shouting
Commotion, clatter, pandemonium
Searching for some peace
A walk in the garden
Listening to the birds tweet
Getting drenched in the rains
Deaf to what the world may say
Yes I am searching for some peace around
Are you too?


There is an unpredictability, apprehensiveness, dilemma
Fickleness, unreliability, hesitancy, indecisiveness
Volatility in everything and everywhere in the world
Searching for some stability
The ship reaching the shore braving the waves
The soldier coming home from the battlefield
The doctor and the cure reaching on time
Yes I am searching for some certainty
Are you too?


Who do you trust all around
People slippery, deceitful, unreliable
Treacherous, unscrupulous, unprincipled
Searching for honesty
Not one with dagger to thrust
Friends and true colleagues unafraid of each other
When love is true
Where words mean the same to all
Yes I am searching for honesty
Are you too?


There is a never ending race for more
More money, more houses, more cars
More clothes, more things to show
Materialism, money grabbing, gluttony
An unending appetite for more
Searching for generosity
To share bread with the hungry
To share smile with the sad
To share a blanket with the homeless
Yes I am searching for generosity
Are you too?

The End

In searching for the elusive rest, calmness, love, peace
Certainty, honesty and generosity
To bring back spark, smile and simplicity
Am I searching for the Unknown
Am I searching for the Elusive
Am I searching for the Unexplainable
Yes but not in the temples of brick and mortar
But within
He must reside within me
I must find him within me
My search is unending
My search must continue
I am searching
I will find him…
Bit by bit
Day by day
I am searching
Are you too?


Sunday, 3 January 2021


As the clock struck twelve, MS posted a few lines in FB, dabbling in Urdu shayari, you might say.

Aye saal tu bhi ajeeb tha
Dooriyon mein bhi dastoor tha
Khamoshiyon mein bhi aahat tha
Lambe na the lamhe par
Lamhon mein bhi alam tha
Guzrey huey kal se na koi gila
Jo mila who naseeb tha
Aye saal tub hi ajeeb tha

Don’t know where she gets these thoughts from, after gruelling hours at work, but then it certainly made me think about the year gone by. Here are some random thankful thoughts.


They came from all corners of the globe…America, Africa, Australia, Middle East. They came from all over the country…Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Vizag, Bangalore and more. They came from school days, college times, work places and much more. They belonged to different generations. There were youngsters, middle aged , old and very old including nonagenarians. They were doctors, teachers, engineers and, of course, there were people from insurance.  They had all assembled for our ‘Chameli’ ki Shaadi. We could not have asked for more when almost all family and friends who were invited turned up to celebrate the wedding of the year. People came, people enjoyed, people returned safe and sound and then hell broke loose. Thank you, dear God, for giving us such happiness. What if we had decided on 16th March instead of 16th of February…masked bride and groom, an empty hall with a handful of guests to see, bless and celebrate? Muchas gracias, 2020.

Cheers to the Good Times!


Having seen many a death of near ones and having performed all rites from lighting of the pyre to carrying the ashes and, finally, bringing home the death certificates, I always considered myself brave till she came into my life wearing a black mask. Was she a Dementor whose breath would suck the happiness out of me? She would scare me all through the day and at night the ambulances going past with their unstoppable sirens would freeze my heart. For once I was really afraid. Where could I hide? I remember in the winter of 71, when I was no more than 7, some of us friends got together to dig in the playground near our houses with small tools. A passerby asked, “Bacchon, kya kar rahe ho?”“Uncle hum surang bana rahe hain. Pakistani jab bumb daalega, hum wahan chhup jayengey.”(We are digging a tunnel and will use it to hide and save ourselves when the Pakistani planes dropped bomb) Yes, it was the time of Indo-Pak War and often sirens would go off telling us of black-outs and warning us of imminent Pak air strikes on the capital. No tunnel to make this time so hid quietly within the precincts of the house. Yes, this time the danger was real and fear of life certain, so no taking any chances. Finally, when the year closed, thankfully all of us in the family and most among friends had survived, some scratched and hurt albeit, but generally safe. As they say, jaan hai toh jahaan hai…if there is life, the world exists…What more could we ask of 2020. Danke 2020, for reminding us that we are all cowards in the end, afraid of the ultimate truth of life, that is death, and making us want to live and love life.


DS and I always envied a couple who would sit in the balcony of their house in Chittaranjan Park in Delhi and enjoy their morning tea while reading the newspaper together while we were in a state of perpetual rush to do our chores at home and then make a dash for office. This time, after more than thirty years of marriage, we now found ourselves doing the same…no office to go to and just the digital newspaper to read, we started enjoying the morning tea together. Fortunately, there was this Darjeeling variety in those initial days that made the mornings so much better. And, of course, there were biscuits to dip and  savour. We have never been the hoarders so while many had stocked their kitchens with loads of food, we had limited things when the lock down was announced. As the lock down started getting prolonged, our stocks got depleted including biscuits. One morning, there was just one biscuit in the box. She asked me to take it as I am fond of them but I refused and asked her to take it instead. Truce was declared when she broke the single Marie biscuit into two and we enjoyed our tea time with half a biscuit a piece. That reminded me of an old Hindi song….thoda hai, thodey ki zaroorat hai….Grazie 2020 for telling us the value of those little things in life that we have often overlooked in the madness called career, prosperity and duty.


The morning tea went on to having the afternoon lunch and then the dinner together with some extra cups of coffee and tea in between. I do not remember when I had spent so much time with her. We have had our differences, we have had our fights but suddenly those seemed a thing of the past. WFH was a non-stop activity but still we found time to talk and spend together all alone. Doing the morning yoga with SD’s and RD’s music playing on Saregama and, then in later months, waking up early for those morning walks round the society and spending quiet evenings watching the Netflix and Amazon prime shows on our iPad while munching chaklis and bhakarwadis would mean the Beatles’ song had come true…

When I get older losing my hair
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a Valentine
Birthday greeting, bottle of wine
If I’d been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I’m sixty four.

Merci 2020 for getting us closer together than ever before.


When we bought our flat in 2005, we could see the Malad Creek from the two bedrooms and I said we have rooms with sea view. After all, a creek is part of the sea which has found its way deeper into the city. So,to guests who would, in the early years, come to our house, I would proudly show them the view from the seventeenth floor window overlooking S.V. Road (though never ask a Mumbaikar what SV stands for because he will give you a blank look) and then take them to the two bedrooms to see the sea in the distance. Then, one day, during the lock down, the pollution levels came down drastically and we actually could see the real sea….with the sun shining bright on the waters, it truly was a majestic sight. Now I can proudly say that I have a sea view flat and not just a creek view, although it is another thing that many tall structures are mushrooming daily and,possibly, in the next couple of years, even the creek may vanish not just from sight but be filled with concrete. For now, though, let me feel happy about the sea view. Arigatou 2020, for this would never have been possible had the air not been so clean and sky so clear.

A Sliver of the Sea

Aye saal tu bhi ajeeb tha
Guzrey huey kal se na koi gila
Jo mila who kya kum tha
Jo nahin mila, woh bhi naseeb tha
Aye saal tu gazab ka tha
Tera Shukriya Do Hazaar Bees