On the way to Goregaon Railway Station is a small room with simple iron grilles and inside sits Lord Ganesha. Most people would miss it but not my better half. She has great faith and love in this pot bellied God whose enormous size and opulent celebrations in Mumbai during this time is unmatched anywhere in the country. Whenever D passes this way, she will fold her hands in obeisance and pull out a tenner or so and put it in the box lying near the grilled opening. Over the years, I too have taken to the same routine. If I miss putting the coin or note into the box on my onward journey, I will surely do it on my way back. She is not alone for most people passing this road will perform the same act, for some the prayer time before the lord maybe longer and for some a piece of fruit or flower replaces the coin in the box. To D, He is the Lord in whom she believes and trusts. To me, He’s my partner’s favourite, so I follow in obeisance of her.
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Painting by Mayuri Rajbonshi R |
One night, as I was on my way home from the station after a long hard day at work, it was unusually dark and lonely on that road. As I stopped to look at the Lord before me, I felt someone was asking me to step into the room…the sanctum sanctorum. Don’t know what came over me, I opened up my shoes and went inside and sat down looking straight ahead when I heard…
I looked around and found no one in the room other than me. It felt pretty loony but still spoke…
I am not
disturbed but I have had some questions in my mind for quite some time now but
am unable to get the right answers. I seek no boon from you for that would be
unfair to others.
Knowledge I have in abundance and gyan is for me to give. So shoot…ask your questions. I will try and give you some answers but can’t say for certain whether it will help you or not. Just limit your questions to three for today for I have to listen to all the other people walking by.
Three you said, so shall it be three questions only.
Question One: Sab Tera
देख भाई
जब कुछ अच्छा हो
तो सब कहें
सब तेरा
जो अच्छा ना होवे
तो बोलें
मैं बुरा , जग बुरा
जब लोगों की तरक्की हो
धन बढ़े
सब बोले की
सब तेरा
जब महामारी हुई
लोगों को परेशानी हुई
नौकरियां चली गयी
घर से बेघर हो गये
तब किसी ना कहा
यह भी तेरा
सब तेरा
Question Two: Sab Mere
प्रिय गणेश जी
आप भारत में रहते हैं
इसके संविधान की रक्षा भी आपकी ज़िम्मेवारी
सोशलिज्म और सेकुलरिज्म के बारे में तो ज़रूर सुना होगा
अगर यह सच है तो लोगों में इतने फासले क्यों हैं
एक मुट्ठी भर लोग
सारा धन ले बैठे हैं
और जनता को दिन में एक सूखी रोटी भी नसीब नहीं होती है
अगर सब आपके संतान हैं
तो यह छोटा -बड़ा, काम – ज़्यादा क्यों ?
क्या आपको पता है गणेश जी
की दुनिया में सबसे ज़्यादा जानें क्यों जाती हैं ?
देशों के युद्ध में नहीं , बीमारी से भी नहीं
धर्म के नाम पे
और तुम बोलते हो सब मेरे
काबा - काशी के झगड़े ख़तम क्यों नहीं कर देते हो भाई ?
Bro, you need to unify people in the name of God and Goodness and bring about some semblance of equity in this unequal world.
मेरा आखरी सवाल है
कब मेरा नंबर आएगा?
मुझे पता है की कल सुबह कब सूरज निकलेगा
पर ये नहीं पता मैं उसको देख पाउँगा या नहीं
मुझे बीते हुए इतिहास की हर तारिख का पता है
कब ,कहाँ और कैसे हुआ
पर यह नहीं पता
अपने अगले पल का
ज़िन्दगी और मौत –ये दो दिन
कब किसका नंबर आएगा
इसका पता चल जाये तो बहुत अच्छा होगा भोले बाबा.
The Lord looked at me and smiled, ear to ear. He then spoke up:
मैंने कब कहा की सब भला मेरा - Sab Tera है रे पगले
मैंने कब कहा की यह मेरा और यह मेरा नहीं - Sab Mere है रे पगले
यह तो तूने ही इंसानों के बीच दीवारें खड़ी कर दी है रे पगले
और तेरे तीसरे सवाल का जवाब है की अगर इंसान को पता चल जाये , तो वो या तो ख़ुशी से या डर से पहले ही मर जाये गा . तो kab mera तो मुझ पे ही छोड़ दे पगले.
Bhagwan ji I asked you so many difficult questions but you replied to me in two lines?
The Lord smiled, handed me a modak and said:
You know why I have such large ears and so small a mouth? It is simple truth that you should adopt in life...talk less, hear more.... it will hold you in good stead.
The light inside the room suddenly went off and the sweet voice spoke for one last time:
चल पगले आगे बड़ . लगता है तेरी रिटायरमेंट का दिन करीब है इसी लिए तू इतनी चिंता कर रहा है . Kab ki चिंता छोड़, ज़िन्दगी जी ले ज़रा खुली हवा में. बाकी सब मुझपे छोड़ दे. क्योंकि जो sab tera वो sab mera.
Ganpati Bappa Moriya
ReplyDeleteBahut ache! Sab tera
ReplyDeleteJust "wow" for this piece. Life's beauty explained by none other than the Good Lord Ganesha himself
ReplyDeleteSo nice to read this life lesson. When shared in form of a story it gets more meaningful
ReplyDeleteNice one sibeshji. Navratri is approaching
ReplyDeleteWe always have the answers to all our difficult questions in life. But I suppose, we need to be in close contact with God in a silent place, to 'HEAR' the answers! Nice write. Happy you got your answers
ReplyDeleteWonderful Sir !
ReplyDeleteIf we knew that answer???. Enjoyed reading it as always Sibu.
ReplyDeleteThe last line sums it up I guess. WWE call it saraNaagati!🙏 Just this Shibu, some off lives toughest questions seems to have the simplest answers and yet there is vidambana!