Saturday 11 November 2023


Kathe Kollwitz: War

Ammi, is the sky falling?

No, why do you ask?

The ceiling is shaking, flakes are falling

It must be a quake outside

It must be many quakes, Ammi

For the earth is shaking every now and then

Close your eyes and go back to sleep

Ammi, they told us in school to run outside in quakes

No one is going outside, it is raining

What rain, Ammi?

We live in a desert and we have no rain

Son, this rain outside is like no other

Can you not hear the rat-a-tat-a-tat..?

Yes, Ammi but what about it?

Rashid, it is raining metal outside

These rain drops pierce the body and the bones

Ammi, the metal rain drops must be like bullets

Bullets that are fired from guns

I also have a gun to fight

Abba bought for me on my third birthday

It also makes the same noise

Just that nothing comes out of it ever

But it scares others for sure

No Rashid, let us not talk of guns

Not even toy guns

Pablo Picasso: Guernica

Ammi, the sky is now surely falling

Take Zooni to one side

I too am shifting for the roof is falling


We are saved Ammi

Yes Rashid, thanks to your quick thinking

The roof would have surely buried us

Now what do we do Ammi?

Try shutting up and sleeping for a change

What is happening, Ammi?

Just lie down and look up

The good lord wanted you to see the sky

So, he opened up the roof for you

See the hundreds of stars up there twinkling

You would not have otherwise seen this

This is God’s way of teaching you

Of stars, sky and the moon

But what are those flares that keep zooming across the sky?

Those are comets and meteors, Rashid

Peter Paul Rubens: Consequences of War

Why is Abba not home?

He has gone to fetch water and food for us

But, Ammi, he went two days ago…

God is testing our faith Rashid

The more he tests and the more we gain his love

Ammi, Hashmat’s father too went out

And he did not come home for five days

His mother told Hashmat, his father has now gone

To meet God and will not be back home ever

Has Abba also gone to God?

No Rashid, I do not know

He will come back home for sure

It must be difficult for him to get water and food

He must be standing in a line

That must be very long

With the entire city there waiting for the same

Why is little Zooni crying so much, Ammi?

Oh, she wants milk

And I have not a drop to give her

Abba will come home soon

Bring her some milk

Ammi, I want to go and look for Abba

Ask him to come home soon

He has to complete the story he started

I want to know the end

Who finally wins the war

Is it the big and powerful king?

Or the rebel prince?

No Rashid, you will not step out

It is not safe

In war, which side wins is not certain

But what is always certain, is the people who always lose

Stay indoors, Rashid

For the sky is surely falling.

Salvador Dali: Soft Construction

Here are the lyrics from the 007 Bond movie Skyfall… see how appropriate…

The sky is falling.
This is the end
Hold your breath and count ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end.
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall


NB. War paintings courtesy internet


  1. Wonderful choice of words and so meaningful as well "In war, which side wins is not certain
    But what is always certain, is the people who always lose"

  2. The human race will forever rise from the ruins of wars, but will never give up fighting them. Sad thing is that every decade of human existence has seen wars and will probably continue to do so.
    You have given the war scenerio such an emotional and heart-wrenching hue! Salaams!

  3. Aptly described the horrors of war. Liked the way you described it

  4. How simply written, and yet, so poignant !
