Sunday 7 November 2021

Song of the Road


Who’s speaking?

Look under your feet for a change.

You tar and gravel talking?

Yes…I am as alive as you.

You and alive…funny…my foot!

Don’t stamp too hard…it hurts.

I must be hallucinating.

No you are not…go on, talk to me.

How can you say you are alive?

I can feel all the emotions.

How can you feel without a body, brain and heart?

The walks of people tell me a story, their state of mind.

Pure Happiness?

When kids are going back from school.

How do you make out if they are happy?

They have spring in their walk and there is laughter in the air.

Fear and uncertainty?

Soldiers marching towards the enemy lines.

But I always thought they were fearless.

Everyone loves and longs for life and their march appears bold but longs for a retreat.

Sadness and grief?

Survivors of road mishaps, grieving for the lost.

Why don’t you stop the accidents and save lives?

My work is to let people move and not control their lives.

Then you are evil, for you let bad things happen.

You never accuse God for the same reason, then why me?

Thrill and suspense?

A boy and a girl in love, running away to a new world of their own.

I am impressed. The gait of people tell you stories…how?

I have sensors all over me and they are connected to my mind that never fails to read.

You are truly alive Road and am quite liking your company.

Once you enjoy the company, the journey becomes even better.

Coming to your first question- yes I am confused.

Why, you do not know which road to take?

Yes- life throws so many options, don’t know which to take.

Am I not the same?

Road…do you know where you’re going?

No…not really but I keep going.

I start somewhere and end up at another....change from cemented ones to mud paths, from cities to forests.

I too keep changing my tracks.

Same here with me…keep changing my life’s goals.

What will be your advice to me?

Who am I to give advice?

Then sing a song for me…a song of the road?

Let me try but will do it in the words of the soil. You can give the beat with the clapping of your hands and feet.

रास्ता बोले, चल चल चल

आगे बढ़, पीछे ना तू मुड़ के देख

ज़िन्दगी तो चलने का नाम है

रुकना तेरा काम नहीं

तू आगे बढ़,बस चल चल चल.


जो बीत गया, उसको भुला दे तू

यादों और तजुर्बों को कभी ना भूलना तू

तोड़ के अपने  पैरों की बेड़ियाँ

तू अपनी मंज़िल की और बढ़ा चल

तू आगे बढ़, चल चल राही चल.


कोई तुझको दे दुःख, दर्दऔर कष्ट

कहे की तुझसे ना कुछ हो पायेगा

तू सबको अनदेखाऔरअनसुना कर

सिर्फ अपने तू दिल की सुन

तू आगे बढ़,चल चल रे राही चल.

सड़क पे खो जाने से ना डर

पाऊँ पे चुभे कांटेऔर कंकर

सब दुखों को स्वीकार कर

खुली हवा में ले सांस तू

औरआगे बढ़ता चला चल, चल चल चल.


जीत की आस हो,ना हार का हो डर

न धूप के ताप से, ना हिम से ना बरसात से

कभी ना रुके तेरे कदम ,मुरझाये ना तेरी मुस्कान

गीत तू अपनी मौज में गाता चल

बस चल चल, तू राही चला चल.


कभी धीमे चल, कभी तेज़ी से तू दौड़

कभी ख़ुशी को साथ ले, कभी गम को बिठा अपने काँधे पे

कुछ नए साथी संग जुड़े तुझसे, कुछ का जाये साथ छूट

ज़िन्दगी के इस सफर में तू अकेला ही आगे बढ़

बस तू चल, राही  चल चल, चला चल.


देख नयी दुनिया तू ,नया शहर, नयी नहर

पथ ना दिखे तो बना ले नयी एक डगर

पर सर अपना रख थोड़ा झुकाये

जो सड़क तुझे ले जाये दूर, कर उसे सलाम तू

बस कभी ना रुक, चल चल राही चल चल आगे तू .

I am now fully convinced, Dear Road, you are a living being.

Hope you are no longer confused?

No way, you taught me so much in so little.

So finally, what’s your take away?

राही चल चल, चला चल

रास्ते तेरे जायेंगे खुल

रुकना तेरा काम नहीं

बस तू चला चल……

Yes. Go out and see the world and the day you find yourself, you will never be lost.


PS. Hindi spellings have never been a strong point, so muaf karna please.


  1. Super Shibu. Profound things said in such a beautiful way.

  2. jindgi ka naam hai chalte jana, no speed braker, very well explained sir.

  3. It takes a special something to look at life through different spectacles. You do it through prisms galore! Or should I say gratings. I will never traverse on a road without these lines coming my way and becoming conscious of the steps that I take .. They convey do much and I take it so for granted... Amazing articulation Shibu

  4. Super insightful and unique perspective

  5. A view from the Road... A different perspective. Happy reading...

  6. A different feeling. Beautiful philosophy. It speaks about your sensitivity. Drawing a parallel with self. Yes my steps were never so vocal before. I am on the go alone right now in Garhwal Chamba but not feeling loanly. Stopped for a while but again ....

  7. The road becomes the 'subject' here. An imaginative journey indeed.

  8. Very interesting narrative. The road comes to life and the gait has stories to tell.

  9. तू सबको अनदेखाऔरअनसुना कर,, सिर्फ अपने तू दिल की सुन
    Truly, madly, deeply believe in this. This is different , biography of a road :) interconnected with life
    “My work is to let people move and not control their lives” - super, lesson to be learnt.

  10. Fascinating dialogue,Sibesh.

  11. wonderful. Road stretches are always fascinating & the fact put to life nicely. Your hindi is also flawless

  12. Superb Sir, very correctly said,jeevan chalne ka naam , chalte raho subah shaam.....

  13. So very creative... entire outlook of life through the lens of a road. आपकी हिन्दी भी सुंदर है
