Sunday 13 March 2022

Dogs of War

"War does not determine who is right- only who is left"- Bertrand Russell

Somewhere 47.38 degrees North and 31.16 degrees East on the globe.

My brother came running from the East

I asked..Bazov what brings you here

The Roosis are coming, the Roosis are coming

Is all he said and kept running in circles

Why are they coming to our world?

Don’t know but I surely know

The Roosis are coming, the Roosis are coming

He ran round and round and then stopped

Bent down, sat with his head resting on his front paws

Basov looked tired, looked exhausted.

Calm down brother,

You need some water, some food?

No water have I had for days

No food to eat since I saw them coming

The Roosis are coming Brother Azov

The Roosis are coming

My master went out with a gun

But never returned home

The lady took her daughter and walked away

She put this funny jacket over me

And opened up my chains

She said…run…run away

For the Roosis are coming, the Roosis are coming

I heard loud noises of bombs falling

Of buildings crashing, of people shrieking

Of children crying and smoke bellowing.

Brother Azov, they were there

And they are coming here

The Roosis are coming, the Roosis are coming

Don’t worry Bazov

You’re safe here

In Kyiv, we are ready to fight the might

Every house is a bunker

Every able man is a soldier

Every woman is a nurse

We’ve got guns, mines, missiles

We’ve got the heart to fight

We will not step back an inch

No matter who’s coming.

But brother Azov

They have bigger guns

They have a larger army

They have big, big tanks and artillery

And I have seen them marching in

They are coming,

The Roosis are coming, the Roosis are coming

I ran from Mariupol

And have seen the city flattened

Every inch reduced to rubble

I had no where to go

So came down to Kyiv

To tell you, to warn you

The Roosis are coming, the Roosis are coming.

Don’t worry Brother Bazov

My master says Kyiv never bows

We will fight and fight to win

Our friends outside deserted us

But we care not for it

For it is our land and our fight

And we will fight and fight to win.

Just then there were explosions all around Azov and Bazov and when the sound and the smoke cleared, the two brothers with small tails and cropped ears saw some tanks with a big star painted and a red flag flying atop. Behind the tanks were columns of men in army fatigue, heavily armed and taking positions….all ready to open fire at the smallest of movement from the other side.

Brother Bazov, let us run

And tell the people in the city

The Roosis are here, the Roosis are here.

Bazov looked at his big brother and smiled

He wriggled his little tail and went close

Touched his nose with that of Azov

Yes Brother, you run and warn the city of Kyiv

While I do my part.

No, I will not leave you behind

This is the war of men

Men who are mad

Mad men on both sides

Caring little for others

This is not our war brother.

Let us cross over to another land.

No Brother Azov

This is our land and we will fight

Goodbye My Dear Brother.

Saying this Bazov, shook his jacket a little and ran at great speed towards the tank which was ahead in the formation.  When he was about a couple of feet away from the big metallic wheels of the war machine, he saw the amazement in the eyes of the soldier who had popped his head from under the protected roof. The soldier aimed his gun at the approaching dog but before he could pull the trigger, Bazov jumped and crashed into the steel armour of the T75 tank and there was a huge explosion. The tank was completely plummeted and on the remaining armour were bits of Bazov’s brown and white skin now turned completely red.  The invaders stopped in their tracks wondering what opposition awaited them. If the dogs here are so brave, what would the men with weapons be like? But they had orders from the top…keep rolling, keeping pounding, keep the fire burning.

Azov turned around and ran into the city shouting…

The Roosis are coming, the Roosis are coming!



  1. A very nice take. Very touching.

  2. I read this Mahmoud Darwaish saying in Sumya's facebook post.
    The war will end, the leaders will shake hands.
    The old woman will keep waiting for her martyred son.
    The girl will wait for her beloved husband.
    And those children will wait for their heroic father.
    I do not know who sold our homeland, But i saw who paid the price.

  3. War is a waste...of resources, of time, of emotions, of lives! Just a waste. Sad what is happening. Well written.

  4. A tear dropped. Brave Bazov. You kept us moving from one line to the other, wondering what will happen next.

  5. The emotional cost of wars comes out so well. Nice writing Dada as always
